Interesting Facts: Pugs

In today's blog we will be having a look at some interesting facts on one of the popular dog breeds the pug!

Did you know......
  1. Pugs originated from China
  2. Pugs are an ancient breed and are believed to have existed before 400BCE
  3. Pugs can't handle extreme weather. It stresses them out and they get sick easily
  4. Pugs can snore as loud as a jet plane. Otis the pug holds the record for the loudest snore by a dog at 96 decibels  
  5. Pugs are described as comedians of dogs
  6. A group of pugs is called a grumble
  7. Pugs can also be fully black in colour
  8. Pugs shed a lot dispute there short fur
  9. Pugs are the biggest of the small dog breed/toy group



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