Interesting facts about the Great tiger


The tiger is the biggest known species in the cat family. Tiger can grown up to 3.3 metres in length and weigh as much as 300 kilograms. Tiger are carnivorous animals and feed on primarily meat such as monkey, birds and fish. Tiger have black stripes and orange fur, which has a big contrast colour compare to the forest. However, these colours help them get camouflage in the green forest to stalk their preys. The speed of a tiger can run up to 49km to 65km per hour in a short sprint for their preys.

Tiger vs Deer

This video was taken as the Tiger stalking his prey to find a right time to strike its prey quickly. The scene shows the tiger striking the deer's neck to have a quick death. Afterwards it feeds on the flesh to regain its strength back as the tiger needs 12 pound of meat to survive each day.

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