
Hey guys,
Today's post is about the hedgehog
Hedgehogs are easily recognisable by their spines, which are hollow hairs made out of keratin

There are seventeen species of hedgehog, they are found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and in New Zealand. There are no native hedgehogs in Australia and in America

A defence mechanism that the hedgehog has is that it can roll into a ball that points its spines outward
Hedgehog rolling into ball
Here's a hedgehog getting a bath:
Interesting facts:
  • Hedgehogs are omnivores, they feed on insects, snails, frogs and even watermelon
  • Hedgehogs can be pets, the most common species are hybrids of the white bellied hedgehog or the four toed hedgehog
  • Despite popular belief hedgehogs do not travel at the speed of sound


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