The Neon Tetra

Hello everyone,

Today’s post will be about one of my favourite fish and a staple in any tropical fish hobbyist’s tank.

The neon tetra

To start off, they are a freshwater fish native to Colombia, Peru and Brazil.

They are popular mainly due to their bright and fluorescent colouring which helps bring a healthy dose of liveliness to any aquarium.

Neon tetras are fish that need to form schools of six or more to avoid becoming stressed or depressed. If there are no other neon tetras they try school with other tetras of similar looks such as glowlight tetras, green neon tetras or cardinal tetras.

Neon tetras forming a shoal

Some extra facts

  1. Neon tetras are a part of the characidae family which is notable as being the family of piranhas.
  2. The coloured line across the tetras body can pick up stimulus and sense vibrations under water.
  3. When sleeping, Neon tetras are able to camouflage themselves by ‘switching off’ its colours.
  4. Most neon tetras are farm-raised and imported from Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand.
- Daniel


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