Interesting Facts: Golden Retriever

Hey Guys and Girls,

As a Golden Retriever owner I wanted to let you guys know some interesting facts about Golden Retrievers that you may not know.

Did you know.......
  1. Golden Retrievers were originally bred for hunting Wildfowl 
  2. There are three types of Golden Retrievers that vary in colour and size
  3. Augie the Golden Retriever holds the record for "Most Tennis Balls Held In A Dogs Mouth" at 5 tennis balls

  4. Golden's used to be known as "Golden Flat Coat"
  5. Golden's are the 4th smartest dog breed
  6. Goldens can be trained to detect epileptic seizures up to 1 hour before they actually occur
  7. Are known to become sad and depressed when left alone for long periods
  8. Golden's are regularly used as search and rescue dogs due to their excellent sense of smell
  9. Golden's are also regularly used as therapy and service dogs such guide and hearing dogs due to being highly and easily trainable
  10. Golden Retrievers are known to have soft mouths and can be trained to carry a raw egg in its mouth without cracking the egg.

Checkout Oshies World on Youtube to capture a look into a Golden Retrievers life.
Heres one of Oshies popular video for you guys to watch:

- Darren


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