
Showing posts from September, 2017

Tardigrade (Water Bears)

Hey guys, Todays post is about the elusive micro animal called the Tardigrade or more commonly known as the water bear. Tardigrade Water bears are water dwelling, eight-legged, micro animals which are found everywhere from mountaintops to deep sea and from tropical rain forests to the Antarctic.  Their most notorious trait is that they are one of the most resilient animals known. They can survive extreme conditions which most animals may deem fatal These conditions include: Supernovae Gamma-ray birsts meteorite impacts absolute zero temperatures Outer space Here are some interesting videos highlighting the water bear: Extra Facts: Although Waterbears can withstand extreme conditions, they cannot survive them for a prolonged period of time They sometimes are cannibalistic in nature Water bears are the first known animal to survive in space -Joelle


Who is the largest land animal on the planet? The Elephant Did you know the largest elephant was a male African Elephant? It weighed 10.9 Tonnes and was 13 feet tall Today’s blog is all about Elephants. There are three different species of elephants: 1. African Bush Elephant 2. African Forest Elephant 3. Asian Elephant Facts: Elephants have poor eyesight but a great sense of smell Their skin is an inch thick Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump Elephants live to around 70 years old Elephants are highly intelligent animals. Their brains are the largest of all land mammals and are 4 times larger than a human brain Female Elephants have a long pregnancy generally lasting 22 months. The elephant’s trunk is very useful. It has more than 40,000 muscles in it. The trunk enables them to sense the size, shape and temperature of an object. An elephant uses it trunk to eat ...

The Betta

Hello everyone, Today’s post is about one of the most adaptable species for aquarium hobbyists, the Betta fish. The Betta So what makes this fish popular with aquarium enthusiasts? For one thing, they have some of the brightest and vivid colours compared to other fish. They are extremely adaptable as they can temporarily survive extreme temperatures from 13 °C to 35 °C. Betta's are also known as Siamese fighting fish due to the male’s aggressive nature towards other males. This is because they are a very territorial species which lead to owners creating Siamese fighting fish businesses. Here is a cool video about the Betta life cycle. Some extra facts The term Betta refers to seventy different species It is easy to discern between males and females as the males are larger and tend to be more colourful with ornate fins to appear more impressive. Bettas have an organ called the labyrinth organ which allows them to breath...